

How To Reach Us.
The factory is located Shilin industry area of Shancheng district of Hebi city in Henan province with a land area of more than 140 acres. It closes to the Beijing - Zhuhai Expressway and Zhengzhou airport that is the inland economic highland of The Belt and Road. The availability of transport provides excellent conditions that allow production sell well on China and abroad. The products have been widely praised by user feedback about advanced technology, quality stability, and the use of reliability and perfect after-sales service.
We warmly welcome you to visit us, and we look forward to cooperate with all of you sincerely!
Hebi City Hexin Chem Ind.Co.,Ltd

Adress: 2 Taoci Road, Shilin Industrial Area of Shancheng District, Hebi City, Henan Province, China, 458007
CELL: +(86)18703926857

Contact Us

    Hebi City Hexin Chem Ind.Co.,Ltd
    No.2 Taoci Road, Shilin Industrial Area of Shancheng District, Hebi City, Henan Province, China, 458007
    CELL: +(86)18703925887
    Copyright? 2017 Hebi City Hexin Chem Ind.Co.,Ltd
豫ICP備17026580號-1 豫公網安備41060302000062號
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